Every week, Kids Off The Couch offers families a new adventure idea and provides plenty of details for parents to go beyond the basics. For example, the moms suggest conversation starters about each film: Freaky Friday turns out to be a perfect conduit for discussing body image with pre-teen girls and Ratatouille serves up a fun way to talk about career dreams, as well as cooking.
In addition, each week subscribers will find book lists that relate to each film. If the adventure involves watching E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and visiting a planetarium, parents will find hand-picked books on outer space appropriate for kids in pre-school, elementary school and middle schoolers. Books can help inspire adventures for younger kids, or siblings, too young to watch a feature film.
While it may sound unusual to advocate getting on the couch to get kids to unplug, Bowman and Shakin insist that great media opens the door to culture and family discussions. After a long week, it's cozy to flop on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch a film that makes everyone happy. From husbands to grandparents, family film night has become a cherished part of these moms' family life. As the two moms are fond of saying, "sometimes you've got to get on the couch to get off the couch!"
Since launching the site, Diane and Sarah have written over 100 film and adventure pairings they've road-tested with their families. Past adventures are listed in the Archives section of the site, and if parents sign-up, they'll receive a free, e-mail every week with a fresh idea to get kids off the couch and into their world.